The Rock gifted his mother a new car after a crash, expressing his love and gratitude

The Rock gave his mother a new car after a crаsh: ‘I love my white car! I’m so grateful’

The Rock gave his mother a new car after a crаsh: ‘I love my white car! I’m so grateful’

Surprising my mom with a new car for Christmas. Couldn’t remember what her favorite color was between white or red, so I went with white.

A few weeks later, she wanted to know why I had chosen white instead of red, which was her favorite color.I told her I would return the car and get her a new red one, but I couldn’t recall her preferred color, so I went with white. 

“Are you crazy? “, she asked, giving me a look as if I had three heads. I adore my white automobile, no way! I’m very appreciative. I simply had a question. I even considered stealing her car from her garage and getting a new red one instead, but I decided it would be best to simply leave things alone.

She was then struck head-on by a drunk driver, as luck would have it, but she lived. After her white car was totally wrecked, she ended up acquiring a new in the color she had always desired. crimson.

It’s funny (and gratifying) how things turn out just as they should. She continues to say that the white automobile saved her life to this day.