Mia Khalifa calls out Gal Gadot for her support for hometown

A month has passed since the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas on Israel on October 7th, resulting in over 1,400 fatalities. Additionally, approximately 240 individuals remain held captive by the terrorist group in the Gaza Strip, prolonging a conflict with no apparent resolution and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis within Palestinian territory.


Israel’s reaction to the Gaza attacks has sparked global criticism and appeals for a ceasefire, citing concerns over the escalating death toll, which has now reached 10,000 individuals in the Strip due to Israel’s airstrikes and ground operations. One of the prominent critics, former adult film star Mia Khalifa, has voiced her condemnation, highlighting what she perceives as “the complete disregard for civilians.”

Mia Khalifa’s Critique of Gal Gadot Israeli actress and former IDF soldier Gal Gadot recently announced plans to host screenings in Los Angeles and New York City of a 47-minute video provided by the Israeli government, documenting last month’s Hamas attacks. This decision has drawn criticism from Mia Khalifa.

Mia Khalifa & Gal Gadot

Mia Khalifa, a Lebanese-American who has voiced her solidarity with Palestine throughout the ongoing conflict, recently referenced an article on her Twitter/X account in which she reiterated a past comment referring to Gadot as ‘Genocide Barbie.’ She also quoted an article discussing Gadot’s screening event, stating, “I’ve been trying to tell y’all…”

On the flip side, Mia Khalifa’s support for Palestine has come at a cost, resulting in the loss of endorsements and deals. Playboy terminated its partnership with the model, and she lost her podcast following her comments on the conflict. Canadian broadcaster Todd Shapiro swiftly terminated her employment, citing her remarks as the reason for her dismissal, effective immediately.

In contrast, Gal Gadot joined over 700 celebrities in expressing their solidarity with Israel on October 17, alongside figures such as Amy Schumer, Jerry Seinfeld, and Mark Hamill. As a native of Israel, the Wonder Woman actress served in the IDF for two years at the age of 20, fulfilling her mandatory military service as a combat fitness instructor.