Ronnie Wood, 76, is happy to have glamorous wife Sally, 46, ‘I felt younger when I married Sally. We get along very well. She even gave birth to a pair of lovely girls for me.’

Ronnie Wood, at 76 years old, expresses his happiness in having his glamorous wife Sally, who is 46. He reflects on how his marriage to Sally has brought a sense of rejuvenation, stating, “I felt younger when I married Sally.” Their relationship is marked by a strong bond and mutual understanding, with Wood remarking, “We get along very well.”

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One of the joys of their union is the addition of their twin daughters, whom Wood affectionately describes as “a pair of lovely girls.” This new chapter in Wood’s life not only adds to his sense of fulfillment but also serves as a source of vitality and joy.

Their relationship serves as a testament to the adage that age is just a number when it comes to love and companionship. Despite the age gap between them, Ronnie and Sally have found harmony and happiness in their partnership, demonstrating that true connection knows no bounds.

As Ronnie Wood continues to navigate life’s journey, he finds solace and support in the companionship of his wife Sally and the joy of raising their daughters together. Their love story is a testament to the power of love to transcend age and enrich one’s life in unexpected ways.